Is there a product out there that works like a pre-workout, but doesn't have the stimulants that cause mind blowing energy boost? Yes! In our previous blog, we talked about how your adrenal glands become desensitized to stimulants over time. We introduced a new product called Adrenal Reset by CTD Labs that helps reset your adrenal gland back to normal. Now we're introducing you to a product that has all of the benefits of a pre-workout but without the stimulants. It's called Plasmatic EP by EST. Plasmatic does have a small amount of caffeine but it's free of all the other major stimulants such as 1,3-Dimethylamylamine.
From EST:
PLASMATIC EP™ excludes "Old School" L-Arginine and features the "patented ingredient" GlycoCarn®, which is Clinically Proven to Increase Plasma Nitrate Levels in the body. With PLASMATIC EP, you can expect an overall improvement in Strength, Power, and Endurance, while reducing Recovery Time. From PLASMATIC EP's multiple U.S. Patented Ingredients and precise formula, you will experience Mind-Blowing Pumps like never before! All of this in an effective dose of approximately 9 grams, not a 5 gram sample filled with only stimulants. Unlike it's "ultra–concentrated" counterparts available in the marketplace today, PLASMATIC EP does not contain high-amounts of caffeine or other stimulant ingredients that have no long-lasting effects on your overall physique development.
So, the next time you need a break from the stimulants in your pre-workout powder, you may want to substitute with Plasmatic EP. Hopefully now you won't have to sacrifice performance or the progress that you've made while you take a break.
As a dietary supplement, adults take 1-2 scoops of Plasmatic EP with 12-16 oz. of water or your favorite beverage 30-60 minutes prior to workout or sexual encounter. Please note: Plasmatic EP is designed to be used only on workout days. It is not necessary to take Plasmatic EP on an empty stomach. This product contains caffeine and shouldn't be taken by individuals wishing to eliminate this ingredient from their diet. If you are having difficulty sleeping, do not take after 4:00 pm. For best results, always remember to drink at least 64oz. (8 glasses) of water daily while stacking Plasmatic EP with other EST performance products such as, Ennercell, Test Drive, and others.
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